April 16, 2025 - April 22, 2025
The International Scientific Student Conference (ISSC-2025) is the largest conference, devoted to the actual fields of the development of fundamental and applied sciences in Russia and abroad, which is held annually. The ISSC-2024 takes place for the 63st time in a row, as a tradition that began in 1962 by NSU leadership. The ISSC is the largest and widely known scientific student event in Siberia, in Russia and the CIS. Annually, about 3,000 people participate in the conference.
The conference attracts the attention of the scientific and educational community of all Russia. In fact it is one of the most significant events in the life of the university, Akademgorodok and Novosibirsk region.

General information
Registration end date
Reports end date
*full-time/remote, absentee participation - 2000 rubles;
*the cost of participation for students of NSU, SESC of NSU, HCI of NSU and postgraduated students of NSU - free;
*the cost of participation for pupils - free;
*printed proceedings - 1000 rubles.
1 Pirogova street , Novosibirsk, Russia, 630090